This last week has been the week of firsts in our household. Here they are in order of event:
- First tooth broke through - Friday, July 18th (after a rough few days!)
- First time Kellen pulled himself up into the standing position - Saturday, July 19th (he worked so hard for it!)
- First time Kellen sat up on his own - Sunday, July 20th
- First day back to work full time for me - Monday, July 21st
- First time Kellen had a non-family member babysitter - Tuesday, July 22nd (she's so great!!)
- First time Kellen pooped on my leg - Thursday, July 24th (uh...that was real fun - I thought it would be a good idea to let him air out after a long night in his diaper...he rolled over and I grabbed him and then he decided he'd take a big ole dump on my leg. luckily i was wearing pants and it was better that then the carpet (which would not have been a first!)).
- First time Kellen rode in a shopping cart - Friday, July 25th
And that my friends wraps up a long week!